Ginger: Use and Benefits

Ginger has many uses and benefits.
Ginger has a variety of health benefits, including treating nausea and other digestive problems, improving and stimulating circulation, and treating arthritic pain. Relieving nausea resulting from pregnancy or travelling is one of its most popular uses.

The ginger root can also be highly effective at helping to calm and soothe an upset stomach, and to stimulate the flow of bile. It also aids in relieving stomach cramps. Ginger promotes a healthy cardio-vascular system and improves circulatory function.

Ginger oil can be used for massage which can aid in providing relief for painful arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is often used as an ingredient in herbal decongestants and can reduce the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds, and allergies.

How to Use Ginger

Ginger root can be ground or grated and used for cooking. It is also widely available in supplement form, which can be ingested orally on a daily bases.

Grated ginger root combined with a small amount of lime juice can soothe problems with the digestive tract and reduce gas and flatulence. Ginger can also be made into an oil and massaged into areas of localised pain. Addittionally, it can be taken as an extract whcih helps reduce inflammation.

When deciding on a ginger supplement, it is important to pick one that contains ginger's pungent compounds. These are called gingerols and shogaols and are the ginger plant's primary active ingredients.

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