Best Herbs For Treating Pain in Dogs

Herbs can be effective for treating pain in dogs.
Many older dogs suffer from joint pain.
Joint pain is an extremely common malady that many dogs suffer from at some point. Especially, as dogs age, they tend to experience pain and limited motion in their knees and hips. Just as we try to make informed and healthy decisions for ourselves when it comes to treating our own pain and illnesses, we should consider all the options when deciding on treatments for our dogs and other pets. More and more people are turning to alternative and natural therapies for themselves, as well as their loved pets.

Not only are natural remedies often both more safe and as effective as traditional medical treatments, but they can also be much more affordable than traditional veterinary care. With the cost spaying or neutering, dog and puppy vaccinations, and regular vet check-ups, the medical costs for caring for a dog can be substantial.

Check out our list of natural herbs which can be used to treat pain in dogs:.


Licorice is actually a type of legume, and it has long been used for its proven medicinal properties. One of its most popular uses is as a treatment for arthritis. There has been a lot of research which has observed that licorice acts as a highly effective anti-inflammatory agent.

For treating your dog, it's a good idea to use a tincture that has a low alcohol level. Otherwise, dogs may not be able to easily digest the licorice roots. Start by using 5 to 10 drops for each 10 pounds of your dog's weight, two times a day. You can also prepare a licorice root tea using about one teaspoon of licorice root for every one cup of water.  If you use tea instead of a tincture, use about three times the dosage amount.


Ginger is widely valued for its ability to treat disorders related to the digestive system. Many people regularly use ginger to relieving gas and nausea. However, ginger is also know to be able to reduce pain associated with arthritis. It accomplishes this by inhibiting the production of lukotrienes by the immune system. Lukotrienes cause inflammation in the body, which can exacerbate joint pain caused by arthritis. It also helps to stimulate blood flow and improve circulation. This can help olders dogs who have limited range of motion due to pain.

Start by getting a raw ginger root. Remove the skin from the root using a knife or peeler. Once it is pealed, mince the root. You can mix the ginger directly with your dog’s food. Use about one-quarter teaspoon for very small dogs, a half a teaspoon for medium-sized dogs, and three-fourths of teaspoon for dogs over 40 pounds.

Ginger can act as a blood thinner, so never give it to your dog before having surgery, or if your dog is taking any other blood-thnning medication. Ginger has also been known to decrease blood sugar levels and cause a drop in blood pressure. If your dog has any health conditions, consult with your veterinarian before giving them ginger.


Alfalfa is a highly nutritious herb that has a myriad of health benefits. It is also an excellent natural treatment for arthritis. It is safe to take alfalfa on a daily basis over longer periods of time. It is especially useful for older dogs who may have sensitive digestive systems. You should try to use organic alfalfa, as it is often genetically modified or treated with pesticides.

Use a pinch of dried alfalfa for every 10 pounds your dog weighs every day. Simply mix the herb with their dog food. Never use alfalfa seeds. They contain l-canavanine, which is known to cause blood disorders. Alfalfa has been known to cause allergic reactions in dogs who have a sensitivity to pollen.


The yucca root grows in very arid environments. Like many plants that are native to the desert, yucca provides a whole host of nutritional and health benefits. Yucca root contains steroidal saponins. These compounds have been proven to be effective at reducing pain and inflammation due to arthritis.ents.

It has been claimed by various veterinarins who favor natural treatments that the root is highly effective for treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in dogs.

Give yucca root to your dog daily for treating pain and inflammation. For every pound of food your dog eats, add about a half a teaspoon of powdered yucca. Also, you can give your dog a low-alcohol tincture. Give about one-sixteenth of teaspoon for every 10 pounds your dogs ways, daily. Also, yucca root is even more effective when used in combination with licorice or alfalfa.

Yucca has been known to cause problems with digestion if given for too long. Take a day or two off every week to give your dog's stomach a break and to reduce the chance of digestive problems.


Many people find that various alternative treatments and therapies work well for themselves. Often, these treatments are as effective as traditional medical treatments, and more safe as well. Why not do the same for our beloved dogs and other pets? Many people have had success treating their dogs not only with natural herbs, but also approaches such as using magnetic therapy for dogs and using crystal energy healing for dogs. We're always seeking out the best options for ourselves. Our dogs count on us to do the same for them.

Herbal Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Herbal remedies for hot flashes.
Hot flashes and night sweats are among the most common and the most uncomfortable symptoms that women going through menopause suffer with.  Research has indicated that up to 85% of women experience hot flashes starting the first year or so of the onset of menopause.  Currently, the most widely used medical treatment for these symptoms is estrogen replacement therapy.  This may be a somewhat effective treatment for these symptoms.  However, it isn't a cure, and any time hormone levels are modified, there can be unwanted side effects and possible negative impacts on the body.  Because of this, more and more women have been seeking out herbal remedies for hot flashes and night sweats, as well other alternative therapies, such as using magnetic therapy for treating menopause symptoms.

The actual causes of hot flashes remain rather unclear.  However, fluctuations in hormone levels involving elevated amounts of the hormones FSH and LH, both during and after menopause, are presumed to be the culprits. In an attempt to raise dropping estrogen levels these hormones can be increase to 13 times normal levels during the menopausal period.

During a hot flash, waves of heat pass through the body and face, which can cause redness of the skin and excessive sweating. The redness could appear blotchy or dispersed evenly, and the sweating could be light or heavy. Hot flashes could be brief, lasting for a matter of seconds or a few minutes, or last for a longer periods of time.  They may last for 10-15 minutes, and, in rare cases, up to an hour.

The intensity and discomfort of hot flashes and night sweats results in many women seeking out the use of drugs to try to reduce their symptoms.  This is often exacerbated by the societal notion that natural menopausal changes are somehow a medical condition. However, it is often possible to treat these symptoms more safely and effectively using herbal remedies and alternatives.

A hot flash which occurs during the night is referred to as a night sweat.  These often coincide with feelings of anxiety or fear. A simple solution may be to always have a glass of water and a some motherwort available near you at night.  Simply take 10-12 drops of the motherwort with a small amount of water. Not every woman has hot flashes, and only a portion of the women who do also get night sweats. However, there are still a large number of women who suffer with both.

Exercise can directly help to reduce the intensity and occurrence of hot flashes by reducing LH and FSH, by moderating the hypothalamus, and by increasing endorphin levels. Even a minimal amount of exercise - 15 minutes a day, three to four times a week - could help noticeably reduce the occurrence of hot flashes.  Additional natural and alternative variables which can help treat the root causes of hot flashes, include diet and nutrition, taking supplements, and herbal medicines and remedies.  We have compiled some of the most commonly used herbal remedies for hot flashes and night sweats to help provide relief from these uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is a plant popular in Europe for treating hot flashes. Research has shown that Black Cohosh may be as effective as estrogen for reducing hot flashes and one study also indicated that it was effective for reducing sweating.


Motherwort has been reported to reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes.  It is also know to help calm nerves, reduce anxiety, and help fight insomnia.  You should use this herb regularly for  a period of 3 months to achieve good results. A common dose amount for treating hot flashes is about 15-20 drops of a tincture, taken several times a day.  You should never use this if you have menstrual flooding, since motherwort can exacerbate this.

Flaxseed Oil

Fatty acids, like flaxseed oil, are generally considered to be an effective treatment of symptoms associated with menopause. Flax contains lignans, which have similarities to estrogen, and may help to moderate and stabilize estrogen levels during menopause.

Evening Primrose Oil

A standard and general remedy used for the reproductive health of women, evening primrose oil has a soothing effect on hot, red skin and can help moderate and control the production of estrogen. It is also used as an aid for sleep.

Chickweed Tincture

Taking this herb on a daily basis has been known to reduce the intensity of hot flashes, as well as their rate of occurrence.

Chaste berry

Chasteberry affects the function of the pituitary glands and has been shown to be effective for helping to reduce hot flashes and dizziness. Its beneficial properties during menopause could be due to its ability to modify LH and FSH levels. Chasteberry reduces estrogen levels and raises progesterone levels.  This helps to strengthen not only bones, but also the vaginal walls.  Results are generally felt after 2-3 months of regular use, and steady, long-term results require taking it for a year.

Licorice Root 

Licorice Root is a long-used, traditional treatment used for a range of female-related issues and disorders.  Incidentally, it also acts as an effective expectorant and cough suppressant for treating respiratory infections and asthma. It is theorized that it acts to lower estrogen levels, while also raising progesterone levels, which makes it a good candidate for treating hot flashes and night sweats.

Red Clover

Red clover contains high levels of phyto-estrogens.  It has been observed to aid in reducing the occurrence of hot flashes, as well as their severity.

Other Herbs

Other herbs which have been reported to have similar, hot flash reducing attributes are spearmint, damiana, wild yams, and red raspberry leaf.

Vitamins E and C

Research has shown that Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, can significantly aid in reducing hot flashes.  It is always best to get vitamins from dietary sources.  However, a vitamin E supplement is also fine to take.  Also, some menopausal women have reported that Vitamin C has reduced the rate of occurrence of their hot flashes.

Homeopathic Remedies

In addition to herbal remedies for hot flashes, homeopathic treatments are also somewhat popular with many women. Treatments such as ferrum phosphoricum, Belladonna, Sanguinarina, and Kali Phosphoricum are often used for various menopause symptoms, including hot flashes.

Other Tips For Relieving Hot Flashes

In addition to using the herbs and other remedies we've listed above, there are additional, simple steps you can do to help alleviate symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats:

Do not use synthetic bedding and/or clothing.

Keep your body cool.

Quit smoking, if you smoke.

Take measures to reduce stress.

Reduce your intake of spicy foods.

Avoid drinking alcohol.

Lower your intake of caffeine.

For more information on treating hot flashes see Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes (The North American Menopause Society), and Menopause Symptoms And Treatments (Dr. Weil).

A Compound Found in Turmeric May Increase Cancer Cells' Sensitivity to Radiation

Turmeric may increase cancer sensitivity to radiation.
One of the primary problems related to treating cancer is that some cancer cells tend to develop a resistance to radiation therapy. However, Indian researchers have discovered how this resistance comes about within cervical cancer cells, and state that these cancers cells may be made to be more sensitive to radiation if they are treated with a compound found in turmeric, called curcumin.

Cancerous cells contain a tiny amount of stem cells which can grow resistant to both drug and radiation treatments. Because of this, after the majority of cancerous cells are destroyed by treatments, the resistant cells continue to multiply and can result in lesions.  These could then result in a recurrence of the cancer after awhile.

Previous studies had indicated the crucial role of a human protein, known as AP-1, in cancer cells developing a resistance to radiation.  Exactly how this occurred was unknown, though. This new research identifies the specific process of resistance in cancerous cells in the  cervix caused by an HPV infection. Scientists believe this could be the same mechanism operating in other types of cancers, as well.

This research is founded on previous research which found that treatment with curcumin, which is an herbal compound contained in turmeric, makes cancerous stem cells more sensitive to radiation.

The science team was led by Professor Das and Dr. Alok C Bharti. The study was funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Indian Council of Medical Research.